How fast can you type

Most people can only manage to type at about 40 words a minute and as a result find themselves struggling to keep up with an ever growing volume of paperwork. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking and can type at speeds in excess of 120 words a minute, so I complete my paperwork faster. How fast can you type?!

Talking Typist is working with LOASys (Logical Office Automation Systems) to automate the process of transcribing spoken text using a portable dictation device, or even a mobile phone! This system is absolutely ideal for busy GP Practices, particularly in light of the recent news about increasing workloads and pressure for many GPs.

Using a similar technique would allow you to…

  • complete your paperwork quickly
  • reduce any stress you feel due to deadlines
  • improve the service you are able to provide to your patients
  • meet obligatory deadlines

What if the ‘dictation typist’ was a computer ready to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

You will be able to dictate when working away from your Practice, and send your recording back to your computer server simply by pressing send. Your recording is then interpreted automatically and converted to text so that it is ready for you to check when you return. This can also be completed for you by support staff who can listen to your message (with instructions if necessary), and ensure the text is correct. It is also then loaded automatically into an appropriate document template ready for printing and sending out!

This is such a powerful technique and I’m really pleased to be able to provide training and support for medical practices in Oxfordshire and surrounding counties. I would be very happy to provide a demonstration and answer any questions that you may have. Please contact me by email at

There has never been a better time to Stop Typing and Start Living!!

Neil Sleight

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